Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First lesson day in school

Day 3 in Korea marked the first lesson in school. The professor was really boring and the content itself was dry.

Its funny but people of the same country tend to associate together and move around together. I wish that i'd have the opportunity to talk more to the foreigners or locals. Singaporeans aren't exactly the most interesting people. Well, I can't say much about others because I haven't spoken much to them.

It has been quite a fun day today. After lesson, baby and I and some other CBE friends went for lunch at some western food restaurant. I guess everyone was getting very sick and tired of Korean food. I wasn't though. I love Korean food and I think that when you are in a country, you should try as much as possible to eat the local food. You have to try anything and everything once in your life and there are so many local dishes that you cannot find back in Singapore. Moreover Korean food in Singapore is expensive! Well, that's just typical Singaporeans for you. Lunch was pretty crappy in my opinion.

After lunch, baby and I headed off to take some neoprints at this shop. it cost us only 6000W, which is about 7 sing dollars. Cheap isn't it? We could even put on wigs, hats and hairbands which were so cute! It has been a long time since I last taken a neoprint. I remember taking loads of neoprints back in primary and secondary school. Many of us will try to squeeze into one neoprint so that it'd be cheaper for one person. Ahh, those were the days! We were such poor kids.

Baby and I trying out the wigs and hats before taking the neoprints
Our neoprints

We headed back to school after that and visited the traditional village (Free of charge). The traditional village consists of Seoul Munmyo, which is a shrine where the memorial tablets (wooden tablets inscribed with the name of the deceased) of Confucius and both the Korean and Chinese sages are enshrined, and where ancestral rites are observed, facilities such as Dongjae, Seojae, Jongyeonggak and Yanghyeongo. Dongjae and Seojae were the buildings where the students stayed. Jongyeonggak functioned as the library and Yanghyeongo was where the officials handled the income and expenditures of money and grain for educational purposes.

I am contemplating checking into a traditional house someday so that I can live with the locals over there. I love the traditional wooden houses and how the small and cute the doors are. You can sleep on ondols, heated floors with mattress which really excites me to try it one day.

Tradiational houses

The outside of the traditional houses

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
Alight at Hyehwa station of line 4
Take exit 4, turn left at the exit and walk along the street (Daemyeong Geori)
When you reach Watsons, cross the street to the traffic light and cross that traffic light to Dunkin Donuts
Keep walking straight and SKKU will be on your left
Baby and I had quite some funny moments today taking photos. I was taking a photo of chrystal at the school gate and was so concentrated on taking a photo of her that I did not see a bus behind her. Then she asked, "Is there something big behind me?" I snapped out of my own world and then suddenly the bus went BOOOP BOOOP! Shocked, we ran to the side. HAHAHAHAHA! I totally did not see the bus at all! What a dangerous!

Baby dangerously going to be knocked down by the bus

We had dinner with Kian Beng and Joel at the BBQ restaurant near our university (SKKU) called Cozy & Grill Eatery. What a random occasion. I have never spoken to them before in CBE. When we were walking down the street, we saw them and surprisingly, I asked them out for dinner. They are actually really fun and interesting people to talk to.

BBQ meat dinner

Dinner was amazingly delicious and really cheap! All the meat were fresh and tasty and the beef was especially tender and juicy. We each paid about 10 000W and the meat that we ordered were all marinated very well. 맛있어요!

Cozy & Grill Eatery
Alight at Hyehwa station of line 4
Take exit 4, turn left at the exit and walk along the street (Daemyeong Geori)
When you reach Watsons, turn right to the traffic light and cross that traffic light to Daiso
Keep walking straight and Cozy & Grill will be on your right (You will pass by the bakery Tous Les Jours)

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